Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 4 Chico, CA

Leaving Caspar Beach, we took Highway 20 inland. Don thought 128 coming to Caspar had a lot of curves, Highway 20 leaving was no better, windy all the way back to Interstate 5. But the weather has been wonderful.

We made it to Kathy and Dale's around 3:00 and were ready to walk and explore with them. We toured Kathy's property, which is currently very green from the rains, and then walked to Little Butte Creek (across the road) to see their summer swimming hole. The water is still high and swirling pretty actively. Kathy's mother, Pat, is currently staying with her and is busy knitting pet blankets for the local Humane Society. (for cats, use garter stitch on 40 stitches on size 11 needles with a double strand of yard until appropriate length - in case I get around to taking up knitting again)

We had another lovely enjoyable dinner with good company. Kathy had been busy making a delicious thick vegetable soup, rice, beans and Dale's favorite fruit creation for dessert.

1 comment:

Kathy Faith said...

What a lovely description of your stay with us... and I love the picture you took down the bridge. You cannot see one chore reminder in the whole frame!

One thing though, for the record, Dale is the one who makes his favorite dessert/breakfast cake/bread!

Happy trails!
