Friday, April 22, 2011

Idaho - Day 6 (last day)

a day to work, then play...

Snow this morning while I do laundry and start packing. Gone are the days of throw everything in the car and take off. Even the food is coming out even. We usually start with a rotisserie chicken and get four or five meals from it in varying forms - first dinner then sandwiches, tacos, salad, etc. We might run out of cream before coffee, though. I'm measuring carefully. Don may get his morning coffee black if he sleeps in.

Dinner at the Inn at Sand Creek - our splurge meal: curried carrot soup (more like a potage), arugula salad with herb crostini, and the Snake River Farms oven roasted pork loin was delicious, (I'll be checking the website for the Spring Menu for more details) then...

The highlight - Carmen at the Panida (rhymes with Canada), the restored theatre in downtown Sandpoint. One of the founding members was manning the box office and her husband was running the wine concession (wine and good music - nice combination). There were about 40 of us (mostly grey hairs, as usual). It was wonderful. It had been filmed at the Opera Comique in Paris (its debut location in March 1875). The Don Jose (tenor) is American and was good but the Micaela was the best I've experienced. Her voice was exquisite. (Opera News review: The only distraction was the Escamillo (Toreador) - It looked like his wig wasn't quite right - very asymmetrical on his forehead - I had a suspicion he might be bald. Oh, well.

Then the 20-mile drive back in the moonlight by the lake. Nice evening.

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Sounds like the perfect finale' for your stay in ID. Where will you be for Easter?
We're headed north to decorate eggs Sunday morning & spending the day with Tom's family. Look forward to hearing more about your journey.